Hill Hearings

  • Are you tired of attending every capitol hearing, coalition meeting, caucus meeting, mark-up or staff briefing remotely pertinent to your clients?  
  • Do you not have the time to go yourself or have an assistant to send?  
  • Is your billable hour rate too high to justify sitting in on a hearing, travelling to the hill or even standing in line?  
  • Do you just plain have too much to do to catch every hearing even though you really know you should?


Call us and we will attend the event and provide a complete and bound report of the attendees, copies of the written and oral testimonies, a subject-matter synopsis and a recital of important outcomes or statements.  Additionally after a short pre-meeting with you, we can also hone-in on especially important matters to you and to your client that you need reported.  

Our services are entirely client-billable and/or expensed as a legitimate client expense.   

First timers get a 100 discount.  After that, it is 150/hr (which could be further heavily discounted with a monthly minimum commitment).  

We are dependable, reliable and a capable team of former hill staff led by former Congressman, Mike Flanagan.  

Contact us for your next need at:

(202) 675-8336 or at hillhearings@flanaganconsulting.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

State and Localities

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Tip O'Neill famously said, "All politics is local."  Flanagan Consulting LLC knows that he wasn't wrong.


Legislative Branch

Article One of the United States Constitution created and, to this day, governs the Legislative Branch. Some scholars have argued that Congress is mentioned first because the United States was founded on the principle of legislative supremacy in the interest of The People.


Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is a complex and inter-connected collection of Cabinet Departments, Executive Agencies, and Administrations.


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